Inside Star Citizen: 890 Reasons | 3.5 Ep. 4

Inside Star Citizen: 890 Reasons | 3.5 Ep. 4: via Star Citizen Privateer Inside Star Citizen: 890 Reasons This week’s Inside Star Citizen is great if you’ve been dying to get a sneak peek at the 890 Jump! There’s also a look at some advances in the underlying technology going into Star Citizen and a […]

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Star Citizen Live: Animation Application

Star Citizen Live: Animation Application: via Star Citizen Privateer Star Citizen Live: Animation Application Star Citizen Live this week is focused on how animations problem-solving works. Lead Animator Bryan Brewer used the emotes from some of the backers that were captured at last year’s CitizenCon. If you’re at all interested in how motion capture moves […]

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Inside Star Citizen: Can You Banu?

Inside Star Citizen: Can You Banu?: via Star Citizen Privateer Inside Star Citizen: Can You Banu? This week’s inside Star Citizen looks at how the new flight experience was developed, and the way that player feedback is used and collected. There’s also a great piece on the latest information about the Banu Defender and the […]

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Star Citizen LIVE: Pacheco Mission

Star Citizen LIVE: Pacheco Mission: via Star Citizen Privateer Star Citizen LIVE: Pacheco Mission Reverse the Verse has been rebranded as Star Citizen Live. This week Luke Pressley and Gareth Bourn played though the Pacheco mission with three Star Citizen streamers. Are you new to Star Citizen? Head over to the RSI page and sign up […]

Read More Star Citizen LIVE: Pacheco Mission

This Week in Star Citizen

This Week in Star Citizen: via RSI Comm-Link Hello everyone, Hopefully you all had as great of a weekend as those who attended BritizenCon in Manchester. The team members fortunate enough to visit the Museum of Science and Industry, where the event took place, are still talking about the fun they had, and the amazing […]

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