Fashion in the ‘Verse

Fashion in the ‘Verse: via Star Citizen Privateer Using data from April 29th 2020 to June 19th 2020, the devs have put together a great infographic showing the most popular clothing and armor pieces currently being used in the ‘verse. We can expect more of these infographics in the future. I personally think this is […]

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Bacchus System

Bacchus System: via Star Citizen Privateer Bacchus System The Bacchus system is a part of the Banu Protectorate. The UEE believes that the Banu could originally be from the second planet in the system, Bacchus II. At the center of the Bacchus system is the type G main sequence dwarf star Bacchus A. The Bacchus […]

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Taranis System

Taranis System: via Star Citizen Privateer Taranis System Taranis is an unclaimed system that features 4 planets and an A-type main sequence dwarf star at its center. There are jump points to the Terra, Helios, Ellis, and Genesis systems. The system is known for its inclusion in the Arena Commander sim game, the role it […]

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Star Citizen Live: Effecting Visuals

Star Citizen Live: Effecting Visuals: via Star Citizen Privateer Star Citizen Live: Effecting Visuals Star Citizen Live for this week interviews VFX Director Mike Snowdon. He discusses everything that his team does to make items look real in the ‘verse. star citizen Are you new to Star Citizen? Head over to the RSI page and sign […]

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